
Performance Submission

For Live or Video Performances.
Fill out this form if you'd like to perform in the Phoenix Talent Expo. To Enter a Physical Exhibit at the Talent Expo, please fill out the Exhibit Entry Form
Your Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Contact Method
Ward *
How or from whom did you hear about us?
* Required Fields. If you would like us to contact you
back, please enter either your phone or email.
Your Act
Act Name
# of Members
If a Group, list all Group Member Names & Age
(C = Child, Y = Youth, A - Adult)
Fun Fact(s) you want shared in your Intro
Style of Performance
Performance Category
Brief description of your performance
(All acts should be 1-3 minutes in length)
Music, Equipment & Props
Please describe the items you will be
bringing for your performance
Music (Title and CD, MP3, etc?)
Please describe items you need from us?
(Piano, Sound System, etc)
Please sign-in before 6PM with LaDawn Decker backstage.
Finalize & Submit
I would like video of my act posted in the GALLERY after the expo.
Click Here for the Terms of Participation
I have read and agree to the Terms of Participation